The University and College both host a wide range of Sports Clubs, Societies and Groups that you can get involved in during your time at Cambridge. They are broadly split into three categories, each run by a different body and with different fairs:
- The University Sports Clubs are all funded and supported by the Cambridge Sports Service. They run a single freshers fair on the Monday of Freshers Week, from 12 – 5pm at the Sports Centre.
- The University-wide societies are supported by the Cambridge SU. They run Freshers Fairs on Parker’s Piece on the Tuesday and Wednesday of Freshers Week, from 10am – 4pm.
- Pembroke Sports and Societies are supported by funding from college, and the Pembroke Freshers Fair this year is on Tuesday 8th October, 4 – 5pm in the Foyer of the Auditorium (on Mill Lane).