The Pembroke GP is now proud tenant of an allotment near Grantchester meadows. The Gardening Society of Pembroke College takes care of the land. Join for some fun gardening, great company and possibly even some fruits & vegetables to take home at the end of it! What more could you want?

To get into contact with the society either get in touch with the environmental officer or join its facebook page here.

Directions to find the allotment:

Go to the Pembroke Sports Ground (on the way to Grantchester). Access is either Grantchester Road or Grantchester Meadows. Google maps link here:

When you get to the Pembroke Sports Ground, look for the Pavilion (reddish building) and when you reach that turns southward and follow the hedges on your left until you reach some larger hedges and a large tree with a sign on it. Go past the tree and you are at the allotments. Our Allotment is the one immediately in front as you enter.